\multicolumn{3}{ c }{New computer on its way home: halfway across the world in one weekend} \\
{\bf Date/Time} & {\bf Activity} & {\bf Location} \\
5/16/2011 7:34 & On FedEx vehicle for delivery & DURHAM, NC \\
5/16/2011 6:26 & At local FedEx facility & DURHAM, NC \\
5/15/2011 22:10 & In transit & RALEIGH, NC \\
5/15/2011 16:08 & Departed FedEx location & MEMPHIS, TN \\
5/15/2011 1:13 & Arrived at FedEx location & MEMPHIS, TN \\
5/14/2011 15:56 & Departed FedEx location & ANCHORAGE, AK \\
5/14/2011 13:38 & Int'l shipment release & ANCHORAGE, AK \\
5/14/2011 8:24 & Arrived at FedEx location & ANCHORAGE, AK \\
5/14/2011 16:22 & In transit & SHANGHAI CN \\
5/13/2011 22:50 & Picked up & SHANGHAI CN \\
5/13/2011 6:58 & Shipment information sent to FedEx & \\